Hotel Golden Tulip - Águeda

R. Manuel de Sousa Carneiro 25, 3750-160 Águeda, Portugal - Agueda, Centro Region - Portugal - 3750160

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Informações do estabelecimento

Entrada a partir de: 15:00

Saída até: 11:00

This comfortable hotel is set in Agueda, Aveiro district. There are a total of 83 units on the premises. The hotel was built in 2018. In Gold Hotel & Spa is characterized by its contemporary architecture and its main façade filled with photovoltaic panels that self-produce electricity, providing great energy savings and giving it the striking, attractive and innovative status of a friendly hotel design of the environment.

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R. Manuel de Sousa Carneiro 25, 3750-160 Águeda, Portugal - Agueda, Centro Region - Portugal - 3750160