Esqina Cosmopolitan Lodge

Rua da Madalena, 195, 1100-619, Lisbon, Portuga - Lisboa, Lisboa (Estado) - Portugal - 1100619

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Informações do estabelecimento

Entrada a partir de: 15:00

Saída até: 11:00

Where the worldly come to stay Lisbon is love at first sight. The more you know the more you will love this city. But this is as lame as we will get, just to tell you about our place and our affair with this city. You can find us at the top of a hill, on a street called Madalena. And if you get here you will also find a lot of people like you. Travellers from around the globe with a passion for design, detail, craft, culture and fine living. At the Cosmopolitan Lodge we want to be more than a traditional hotel. More than a one night stand. We would like you to feel emerged in this eclectic spa...

Mais detalhes

Rua da Madalena, 195, 1100-619, Lisbon, Portuga - Lisboa, Lisboa (Estado) - Portugal - 1100619

Comodidades do estabelecimento

Entrada a partir de: 15:00

Saída até: 11:00